Saturday, December 31, 2005

Week 16 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB J. Plummer 10 Steepers
RB S. Alexander 24 &'s
WR1 A. Chatman 10 Kilters
WR2 T. Holt 8 Pillagers
WR3 C. Chambers 7 &'s
TE T. Heap 17 Pillagers
K M. Stover 9 &'s
DEF Pittsburg 9 Vampirates
DB T. McGee 20 &'s
DL1 J. Peppers 6 &'s
DL2 S. Rics 4 Pillagers
Coach Pickle 87% Picklers

Total All-Stars so far:

&'s 24
Steepers 23
Snotknockers 21
Rebels 20
Pillagers 20
Picklers 19
RedBurns 18
Vampirates 18
Kilters 17
Eldars 11

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

PIFF Playoffs

It's playoff time in the land of the Pirate Islands. The Championship bracket looks like a tough one:

The defending champions Rebels come in with the #1 seed and they are matched up against the late surging Steepers. The ever-strong &'s are matched up against the once powerhouse Vampirates, but due to injuries, have been slipping in the standings.

The Consolation bracket pits the Pillagers, who just missed the Championship playoffs against the Kilters, who barley eked their way into the Consolation playoffs. The dominating Picklers are matched up against the losers of 6 straight, Snotknockers.

The Red Burns and Eldars packed up their equipment for the year and are enjoying the holidays.

Week 15 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB M. Hasselbeck17 Kilters
RB T. Barber 26 Red Burns
WR1 S. Smith 13 Snotknockers
WR2 C. Johnson 6 &'s
WR3 T. Houshman..5 Steepers
TE C. Cooley 11 Vampirates
K N. Kaeding 12 Vampirates
DEF Chicago 5 Rebels
DB T. McGee 4 &'s
DL1 J. Taylor 6 Red Burns
DL2 W. McGinest 5 Eldars
Coach Pickle 75% Picklers

Total All-Stars so far:

Steepers 22
Snotknockers 21
Rebels 20
&'s 19
Picklers 18
RedBurns 18
Pillagers 17
Vampirates 17
Kilters 16
Eldars 11

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Week 14 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB D. Bledsoe 16 Red Burns
RB L. Johnson 27 Picklers
WR1 C. Chambers 10 &'s
WR2 M. Harrison 10 Snotknockers
WR3 K. Robinson 9 Kilters
TE A. Gates 7 Kilters
K J. Feely 12 Kilters
DEF Seattle 6 Steepers
DB T. McGee 4 &'s
DL1 J. Abraham 7 Vampirates
DL2 Ja. Allen 5 Pillagers
Coach Shannon 93% Steepers

Total All-Stars so far:

Steepers 21
Snotknockers 20
Rebels 19
Pillagers 17
Picklers 17
&'s 17
RedBurns 16
Vampirates 15
Kilters 15
Eldars 10

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Week 13 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB C. Palmer 15 Rebels
RB L. Johnson 21 Picklers
WR1 K. Robinson 9 Kilters
WR2 T. Houshman..8 Steepers
WR3 H. Ward 7 Vampirates
TE C. Cooley 4 Vampirates
K N. Kaeding 6 Vampirates
DEF Seattle 28 Steepers
DB T. McGee 3 &'s
DL1 D. Freeney 5 Rebels
DL2 M. Strahan 4 Vampirates
Coach Aaron 93% Rebels

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 19
Steepers 19
Rebels 19
Pillagers 16
Picklers 16
RedBurns 15
&'s 15
Vampirates 14
Kilters 12
Eldars 10

Friday, December 02, 2005

Football Helmets

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Week 12 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB C. Palmer 18 Rebels
RB L. Tomlinson 30 Rebels
WR1 T. Holt 7 Pillagers
WR2 C. Johnson 5 &'s
WR3 J. Galloway 4 Snotknockers
TE J. Shockey 9 Snotknockers
K M. Vanderjagt12 Steepers
DEF Carolina -2 Red Burns
DB C. Bailey 7 Eldars
DL1 Ja. Taylor 8 Red Burns
DL2 K. Vanden 5 Steepers
Coach Shannon 98% Steepers

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 19
Steepers 17
Pillagers 16
Rebels 16
Picklers 15
RedBurns 15
&s 14
Kilters 11
Vampirates 10
Eldars 10

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Week 11 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB B. Leftwich 18 Pillagers
RB L. Johnson 26 Picklers
WR1 C. Johnson 9 &'s
WR2 D. Driver 8 Eldars
WR3 R. Swinton 7 Vampirates
TE Da. Clark 7 Pillagers
K N. Rackers 9 Picklers
DEF Chicago 10 Rebels
DB C. Carr 2 Steepers
DL1 D. Burgess 6 &'s
DL2 K. Vanden 3 Steepers
Coach Davin 95% Pillagers

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 17
Picklers 15
Pillagers 15
Rebels 14
Steepers 14
RedBurns 13
&s 13
Kilters 11
Vampirates 10
Eldars 9

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Week 10 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB P. Manning 17 Steepers
RB S. Alexander 29 &'s
WR1 C. Chambers 8 &'s
WR2 H. Ward 7 Vampirates
WR3 L. Fitzgerald7 Rebels
TE Da. Clark 3 Pillagers
K J. Elam 9 Eldars
DEF Carolina 15 Red Burns
DB C. Carr 4 Steepers
DL1 S. Rice 7 Pillagers
DL2 Ja. Allen 5 Pillagers
Coach Lance 92% Red Burns

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 17
Picklers 13
Rebels 13
RedBurns 13
Steepers 12
Pillagers 12
Kilters 11
&s 11
Vampirates 9
Eldars 8

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Week 9 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB P. Manning 17 Steepers
RB L. Tomlinson 29 Rebels
WR1 M. Harrison 10 Snotknockers
WR2 R. Wayne 7 Eldars
WR3 S. Smith 7 Snotknockers
TE J. Shockey 5 Snotknockers
K N. Rackers 12 Picklers
DEF NY Giants 4 Pillagers
DB T. Polamalu 8 Rebels
DL1 K. Edwards 5 Picklers
DL2 J. Abraham 3 Vampirates
Coach Pickle 98% Picklers

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 17
Picklers 13
Rebels 12
RedBurns 11
Kilters 11
Steepers 10
&s 9
Pillagers 9
Vampirates 8
Eldars 7

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Week 8 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB J. Plummer 22 Steepers
RB C. Dillon 16 Eldars
WR1 J. Mathis 9 Red Burns
WR2 S. Smith 9 Snotknockers
WR3 T. Owens 8 Rebels
TE A. Gates 13 Kilters
K J. Feely 12 Kilters
DEF NY Giants 9 Pillagers
DB J. Azumah 4 Picklers
DL1 B. Berry 6 Picklers
DL2 Br. Young 5 Steepers
Coach Shannon 91% Steepers

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 14
RedBurns 11
Kilters 11
Rebels 10
Picklers 10
&s 9
Steepers 9
Pillagers 8
Vampirates 7
Eldars 6

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Week 7 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB B. Favre 16 Snotknockers
RB C. Portis 24 Pillagers
WR1 K. Curtis 9 Snotknockers
WR2 W. Welker 8 Picklers
WR3 s. Moss 6 Snotknockers
TE A. Gates 5 Kilters
K P. Edinger 9 Red Burns
DEF Chicago 6 Rebels
DB A. Archuleta 5 Vampirates
DL1 D. Burgess 4 &s
DL2 D. Freeney 4 Rebels
Coach Davin 89% Pillagers

Total All-Stars so far:
Snotknockers 13
RedBurns 10
Kilters 9
&s 9
Rebels 9
Picklers 8
Steepers 7
Vampirates 7
Pillagers 7
Eldars 5

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PIFF Week 5 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB D. Bledsoe 18 Red Burns
RB S. Alexander 19 &s
WR1 T. Glenn 9 Picklers
WR2 S. Smith 9 Snotknockers
WR3 T. Holt 7 Pillagers
TE A. Crumpler 6 Rebels
K N. Kaeding 9 Vampirates
DEF Indianapolis 16 Kilters
DB S. Brown 7 Pillagers
DL1 Ja. Taylor 5 Red Burns
DL2 R. Mathis 5 Kilters
Coach Michelle 96% Vampirates

Total All-Stars so far:
RedBurns 9
Snotknockers 7
Kilters 7
Steepers 6
&s 6
Picklers 6
Rebels 5
Vampirates 5
Eldars 4
Pillagers 4

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

PIFF Week 2 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB C. Palmer 17 Rebels
RB S. Alexander 15 &s
WR1 S. Moss 11 Snotknockers
WR2 T. Owens 10 Rebels
WR3 H. Ward 8 Vampirates
TE R. Mcmichael 5 Steepers
K J. Reed 6 RedBurns
DEF Philadelphia 6 RedBurns
DB C. Bailey 7 Eldars
DL1 B. Urlacher 4 Snotknockers
DL2 L. Little 4 &s
Coach Julia 78% Kilters

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Maties move to Pirataly

The SparrowIsland Maties have formally packed up their operations and moved to Pirataly. This after the team was left homeless after a recent move of venue left the team without support.

Days before the 3rd PIFF season started an owner from Pirataly stepped up and took over the team's day-to-day operations. Their first game was played under the former team name of SparrowIsland Maties, but after the game the team packed up and headed off to their new home in the capital of Pirataly, and renamed the Vampirates.

SparrowIsland has been grated an expansion team for next season as long as the planed expansion goes through, and the team can raise enough funds to cover the teams operations.

The Pirate Islands Fantasy Football league would like to welcome the Pirataly Vampirates to the league. May all your points be positive.

PIFF Week 1 All-Stars

Pos Player Pts Team
QB P. Manning 14 Steepers
RB C. Dillion 16 Eldars
WR1 K. McCardell 10 Maties
WR2 Ji. Smith 10 Steepers
WR3 R. Moss 7 &s
TE M. Pollard 4 RedBurns
K J. Carney 9 Kilters
DEF Buffalo 3 Snotknockers
DB C. Bailey 2 Eldars
DL1 Ja. Taylor 10 RedBurns
DL2 P. Kerney 2 RedBurns
Coach Newgen 72% Eldars

*A player must be played to be an All-Star.
(Brady is not an All-Star, even though he scored more points than Manning.) Ties are broke by determining which player contributed the most to his team percent wise.
The Coach was decided by seeing which team played most of the points possible, so Newgen got 72% of the points possible for his team last week (actual/optimal=percent possible)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Draft Update (Rounds 2,3, start of 4)

Round Pick Overall PIFFTeam Player Position NFL Team
2 3 12 Pillagers C. Portis RB Redskins
2 4 13 RedBurns Eagles DEF Eagles
2 5 --- Eldars Missed
2 6 --- Maties Missed
2 7 14 Steepers R.Longwell K Packers
2 8 15 Kilters M.Vick QB Falcons
2 9 16 &s J.Peppers DL Panthers
2 10 17 Rebels L.Fitzgerald WR Cardnals
3 1 18 Picklers E.Manning QB Giants
3 2 19 Snotknockers W.McGahee RB Bills
3 3 20 Pillagers C.Chambers WR Dolphins
3 4 21 RedBurns D.Carr QB Texans
3 5 --- Eldars Missed
3 6 --- Maties Missed
3 7 22 Steepers L.Coles WR Jets
3 8 --- Kilters Missed
3 9 23 &s Bengals DEF Bengals
3 10 24 Rebels C. Palmer QB Bengals
Make Up 25 Kilters W.Dunn RB Falcons
4 1 26 Picklers L.Evans WR Bills

So that is where we are at now...

Thanks everybody for bearing with me during this somewhat unruly draft procedure. And from now on you do not need to email me your picks, as it seems that everyone knows what is going on. Hopefully soon I will get a tentative points system in place (after all it is worth PBSE points ^_^ ).

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Draft Schedule

You must get your pick into me on the day it is due (or earlier, if you will not be around). After you have notified me of who you pick, you may add him to your team in the league page (or, if you will not have access to it, tell me, and I can add him for you). The last two days of the draft will be makeup days for anybody who does not make their picks in time, remember, if you miss a pick you may make it up on the last day of the round, if you miss that day you may make it up on the last days of the draft (depending on which round you missed). Some important days to know are the August 6th which is the first day of preseason, and September 8th which is the first day of regular season.
Happy hunting!

2nd Round
6/30 Svk Pill
7/1 Hbr Red
7/2 Fut Eld
7/3 Spr Mat
7/4 Tea Stp
7/5 Sct Klt
7/6 Amb Amp
7/7 Krp Reb

3rd Round
7/8 Tsu Pik
7/9 Sva Snt
7/10 Svk Pill
7/11 Hbr Red
7/12 Fut Eld
7/13 Spr Mat
7/14 Tea Stp
7/15 Sct Klt
7/16 Amb Amp
7/17 Krp Reb

4th Round
7/18 Tsu Pik
7/19 Sva Snt
7/20 Svk Pill
7/21 Hbr Red
7/22 Fut Eld
7/23 Spr Mat
7/24 Tea Stp
7/25 Sct Klt
7/26 Amb Amp
7/27 Krp Reb

5th Round
7/28 Tsu Pik
7/29 Sva Snt
7/30 Svk Pill
7/31 Hbr Red
8/1 Fut Eld
8/2 Spr Mat
8/3 Tea Stp
8/4 Sct Klt
8/5 Amb Amp
8/6 Krp Reb

6th Round
8/7 Tsu Pik, Sva Snt
8/8 Svk Pill, Hbr Red
8/9 Fut Eld, Spr Mat
8/10 Tea Stp, Sct Klt
8/11 Amb Amp, Krp Reb

7th Round
8/12 Tsu Pik, Sva Snt
8/13 Svk Pill, Hbr Red
8/14 Fut Eld, Spr Mat
8/15 Tea Stp, Sct Klt
8/16 Amb Amp, Krp Reb

8th Round
8/17 Tsu Pik, Sva Snt
8/18 Svk Pill, Hbr Red
8/19 Fut Eld, Spr Mat
8/20 Tea Stp, Sct Klt
8/21 Amb Amp, Krp Reb

9th Round
8/22 Tsu Pik, Sva Snt
8/23 Svk Pill, Hbr Red
8/24 Fut Eld, Spr Mat
8/25 Tea Stp, Sct Klt
8/26 Amb Amp, Krp Reb

10th Round
8/27 Tsu Pik, Sva Snt, Svk Pill
8/28 Hbr Red, Fut Eld, Spr Mat
8/29 Tea Stp, Sct Klt, Amb Amp, Krp Reb
8/30 Spr Mat (makeup), Other Make-ups (Rounds 1-6)
8/31 Other Make-ups (Rounds 7-10)

Pirate Islands Fantasy Football running on Yahoo!

I have got the league going, including all the draft picks made so far, so it will be much easier to see who is still available.

Make sure to look over your roster to see that I have drafted all the right players for your team so far. (Pickle, there were two players on your team that I could not find to draft: WR,Drummond,Lions and K,Anderson,Vikings. If you can get these players on your team you may add them whenever.)

From now on you may add players to your team once you have drafted them. *You still must tell me before you add them to your team that you are drafting them.*

Soon I will be publishing a draft schedule, for the rest of the off-season.

End of First Round, Start of Second

Here are the last four picks:

1st Round; 8th pick: Rebels choose Shayne Graham, Kicker, Bengals

1st Round; 9th pick (make-up): Pillagers choose Jeff Reed, Kicker, Steeleers

2nd Round; 1st pick (10th overall): Picklers choose Derrick Mason, WR, Ravens

2nd Round; 2nd pick (11th overall): Snotknockers choose Donte Stallworth, WR, Saints

Next up to pick is the Svinksland Pillagers, which is due the 30th.

Hopefully i will get the Yahoo stuff up and running today, as well as a full draft schedule. If i do i'll get it posted here.

Friday, June 24, 2005

1st Round; 7th Pick

In the first round, with the seventh pick the Ambersandia &s select David Graham, TE, from the Patriots.

The Kreplachistan Rebels have the next pick, which is due by the end of the 26th.

The Svinksland Pillagers and the SparrowIsland Maties can also make up their picks now (which are due by the 26th as well).

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

1st Round; 6th Pick

In the first round, with the sixth pick the Scotslandi Kilters select Jerry Porter, WR, from the Oakland Raiders.

The Ambersandia &s have the next pick, which is due by the 24th.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

1st Round; 5th Pick

The SparrowIsland Maties pass their pick.

In the first round, with the fifth pick the Tea Republic Steepers select Andre Johnson, WR, from the Houston Texans.

The Scotslandi Kilters have the next pick, which is due by the 21st.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

1st Round; 4th Pick

In the first round, with the fourth pick the Futontopia Eldars select Donald Driver, WR, from the Green Bay Packers.

The SparrowIsland Maties have the next pick, which is due the 18th.

Monday, June 13, 2005

1st Round; 3rd Pick

In the first round, with the third pick the HarborCoast RedBurns select Anquan Boldin, WR, from the Arizona Cardinals.

The Futontopia Eldars have the next pick, which is due the 15th.

(I had a better post made but the power went out for a second, so I lost it.)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Svinksland Pillagers pass

The Svinksland Pillagers pass their pick for the end of the first round; HarborCoast RedBurns is now on the clock. They need their pick in by the 11th.

Monday, June 06, 2005

1st Round; 2nd Pick

In the first round, with the second pick the Snotvia Snotknockers choose the Buffalo Bills Defense.

QB Brady Patriots
WR Harrison Colts

RB Westbrook Eagles
TE Shockey Giants
K Vinatieri Patriots
DEF Buffalo Bills
DB Lucas Seahawks
DL Hall Lions
BN Favre Packers
BN Smith Cardinals

The Pillagers are now on the clock and need to have their pick in by the 8th.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

1st Round; 1st Pick

In the first round, with the first pick the Tsukestan Picklers choose Wide Receiver Rod Smith from the Denver Broncos.

The Picklers now have these players:
QB Pennington (Jets)
WR Drummond (Lions)
WR Smith (Broncos)
RB Lewis (Ravens)
TE Gonzalez (Chiefs)
K Anderson (Vikings)
DEF Carolina (Panthers)
DB Abraham (Jets)
DL Vrabel (Patriots)
BN Johnson (Bengals)

The Snotknockers are now on the clock and need to have their pick in by the 7th.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Roster should be available now

Amber pointed out that the roster link does not work (yahoo briefcase stopped letting people use it as a file server). So I tricked Angelfire into being a file server. So here is the roster list.

Welcome to the Pirate Islands Fantasy Football 2005 draft.

It has been a long cold spring without hockey to watch, so let's forget about the labor dispute and start paying attention to football. How about a draft to kick things off?

The way that the draft will be conducted is that one person will draft a player a day until it gets closer to the beginning of the start of the NFL season then we will draft multiple players per day. The draft will conclude at the latest one week before the start of the NFL season. The draft will work in linear format so we will draft from teams 1 through 10, and then start again with 1 through 10, until all the positions on the teams are filled. The reason that this is style is implemented as opposed to the snake format that normal fantasy football drafts use is because the draft is a time for the worst teams in the league to build up their team. Since a majority of the starters on each team are retained from last year, each team is not on equal footing to start out the season, this draft is supposedto bring some equality to the teams. Thus the worst teams need to get the higher picks round after round.

At the moment it looks like there will be some changes to the format this season. First is the scoring system. The two main problems from last year are that throwing touchdowns were way overvalued.(Payton Manning carried my team through the season, and while it is true he did help the Colts a lot last year, he didnt help the Colts as much as he helped my team.) The other scoring problem is games ending in negative points. Both of these problems should be fixed this up coming season with some other tweaks to the scoring system as I see needs fit (Im am sure Lance has something to say about the scoring system ^_^).The other major change is that I am going to look into reducing the teams that make it into the payoffs, it may go from 8 to 6 or 4, and it depends on the options that yahoo gives me. Check back for updates on the changes to the league format.

So lets get down to it; the draft order will be (reverse order of how the teams finished from last year):
1. Tsukestan Picklers
2. Snotvia Snotknockers
3. Svinksland Pillagers
4. HarborCoast RedBurns
5. Futontopia Eldars
6. SparrowIsland Maties
7. Tea Republic Steepers
8. Scotslandi Kilters
9. Ambersandia &s
10. Kreplachistan Rebels

I have made a spread sheet of the players that each team has as of the start of the draft. It can be found here.

Anyone may trade players, but just remember by the end of the draft every team must have 19 players. If you do make a trade, be sure to tell me so that I can make changes on the rosters.

I will be using this page for updates throughout the draft and the season, so be sure to check back here for the latest draft picks as well as other random news. If you would like to post your own stuff here let me know and I will add your account so that you can post as well.

On the clock for the first pick is the Tsukestan Picklers.